
Safe to download mozilla thunderbird and kim komando
Safe to download mozilla thunderbird and kim komando

safe to download mozilla thunderbird and kim komando

The interface is to uniform, I cannot customize colors in the same efficient way. No one of those fantastic the developer is anymore interested in upgrading them (changes are too frequent, and need to invest too much time to upgrade them) No one of the necessary add-ons works anymore! until yesterday when my 68 has been migrated automatically to 78 ! I always loved updates and kept the auto update on. The workflow was smooth and very productive: the folder colored to my like, the new email received were visible at a glance in the related folder by simply browsing and detecting the different accent in the folder name, and so on. The massive profile with 60+ folder was well organized with a handful of incredible add-ons to:

safe to download mozilla thunderbird and kim komando

Up to Thunderbird 68, all was super fine:

safe to download mozilla thunderbird and kim komando

I'm a thunderbird fanatic and use it even at work managing 10+ accounts.

Safe to download mozilla thunderbird and kim komando